Specialized Training for Service Dogs & Puppies

Every dog is unique. An in-person individualized approach is needed to get the best results while keeping your pet engaged and eager to learn. Training service dogs is a process that requires expertise and a wide-range of experience that will help get your dog suitable for your specific needs. My goal is to get your dog ready to assist you in your daily life & activities, while teaching you how to effectively communicate with your dog.

Donate to Help Eloise Get a Service Dog

Iscar and Lauren are trying to raise money for service dog for their daughter, Eloise. Eloise was born March of 2022. She has been diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy.

A service dog will help monitor Eloise for seizures, alert other when she needs help and will help her catch before she his the ground during a seizure. Please consider donating to help Eloise get the service dog she needs.

Donate to Help Eloise Get a Service Dog

Iscar and Lauren are trying to raise money for a service dog for their daughter, Eloise. Eloise was born in March of 2022. She has been diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy.

A service dog will help monitor Eloise for seizures, alert others when she needs help and will help her catch her before she hits the ground during a seizure. Please consider donating to help Eloise get the service dog she needs.

Over 700 Dogs Trained

I am a retired Police K9 officer an my career has included training dogs, leading seminars, and consulting. I have personally delivered dogs to over 27 states and three Canadian provinces. As a private trainer, my clients include people throughout the United States as well as Norway, Germany, and Canada. My training resumé includes family pets, diabetic alert, mobility assistance, PTSD, Autism, psychiatric alert, K9 tracking, and sporting dogs. With over 700 dogs trained to my credit along with my vast experience, I am able to train your service dog or puppy at the highest level. 

Over 700 Trained Dogs

I am a retired Police K9 officer an my career has included training dogs, leading seminars, and consulting. I have personally delivered dogs to over 27 states and three Canadian provinces. As a private trainer, my clients include people throughout the United States as well as Norway, Germany, and Canada. My training resumé includes family pets, diabetic alert, mobility assistance, PTSD, Autism, psychiatric alert, K9 tracking, and sporting dogs. With over 700 dogs trained to my credit along with my vast experience, I am able to train your service dog or puppy at the highest level. 

Client Testimonials

  • Charlie & Sunny

    Charlie and Sunny have been a team since Charlie was 5. In the beginning, we had simply hoped Sunny would help him through times of disregulation. But she has far exceeded those expectations. Sunny has helped Charlie in countless ways over the years, it has been beautiful to watch and unfold. 

    Sunny does several tasks for Charlie including deep pressure therapy, block, traction forward walking, and redirecting self harm. She has also given him confidence, pride , and independence. We have been able to do so much more together as a family than we ever could have imagined. We are all so grateful for Sunny.

    -Kayla K. (Charlie’s Mom) - Byron, MN

  • Zach & Bosco

    In May of 2022, Zach’s service dog, Bosco, arrived from Phoenix, Arizona. Bosco has been specialty trained over the last year in preparation to meet Zach’s needs. He’s helped his balance and stability support as well as helping with his visual impairments.

    It has been a game changer for Zach. Who would have thought a service dog could impact a person’s life in so many positive ways? Zach has more confidence now getting back out into his community since his illness.

    Within the first few weeks, Zach was able to overcome things such as taking outdoor walks, going to restaurants, and going to the movies - which were all huge wins for our family. Bosco is such an incredible dog and we are excited to see what’s ahead for Zach and Bosco. They are best buddies in the making for sure!

    -Debi H. (Zach’s Mom) - Rochester, NY

  • Tara & Lev

    Mike gave me hope and a new life via training Lev to be my service dog. Initially, Lev helped me get around our house more independently; then we started going on walks; eventually, we even went on long walks every day.

    He’s broken my falls on numerous occasions. His “brace” task lets me take breaks to literally lean on Lev; “brace” also helps with stairs, my balance, and sudden onset weakness. Lev’s DPT helps both with intense pain/symptoms, and pots, as well as calming my body amidst a medical crisis.

    Going from practically bed-bound to, last year, flying for the first time in around 15 years to go to Hawaii with my family, Lev has gifted me life - freedom. I started an Etsy shop and have been able to socialize and explore more. He is my best friend, makes me laugh and smile always. He knows me, he’s my hero. Thanks to him, I have a life!

    -Tara J. - Kensington, CA